Category: Custom Web Development

Overcoming the Challenges of Building Global Logistics Software Solutions

Overcoming the Challenges of Building Global Logistics Software Solutions

The logistics industry, in an era of globalization and rapid digital transformation, requires software solutions that effortlessly cater to global operations. Building such robust logistics software solutions comes with its unique set of challenges, from navigating diverse compliance standards, integrating with local systems, grappling with geographical complexities, and ensuring the solutions are scalable and adaptable.

Case Study: How iPaaS Solved Our Data Integration Challenges

Case Study: How iPaaS Solved Our Data Integration Challenges

Introduction Businesses across industries are producing an unprecedented amount of data in today’s digital world. Integrating data from disparate sources into a coherent, accessible, and useful resource may be a daunting task. This is where the Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) comes into play. In this blog article, we will present a thorough case

Rental property management development

Rental property management development banner
Property Management Application Industry: Real Estate, Rental Property Management Services: SaaS, Data Analytics, reservations, product listings Year: 2022 Custom Web App Development This is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for the management of properties and property investments. The product engineering was based on the development of three portals; one for Super Admin, one for Landlords,

Finest approaches to secure your web application

Introduction Web application security is an important aspect of web application development that is sometimes disregarded. It’s very understandable. Web application security threats are frequently neglected or undervalued due to the complexity of code development, app maintenance, and visual design. Even yet, if you expect to make money from your app, web application security should

Security announcement: Your website, online store or web application may be vulnerable to malware

Metricoid-Security announcement Your website, online store or web application may be vulnerable to malware

On December 26th 2019, we discovered a malware named XsamXadoo Bot. This malware can be used to have access to a website, an online store OR a web application and take control of it. Recently we successfully recovered our client’s webshop from XsamXadoo malware. Now we can recovered any website, online store or web application Protection Status