Custom Website Design

Custom Website Design

With a custom-fit website, you can stand out in this competitive digital landscape.

Why is a Custom Web Design needed for Your Business?

Your company’s foundation is your website. It functions as your key customer point of interaction and complements all of your company’s digital marketing initiatives. A responsive, custom eCommerce website design communicates your brand’s services, unique value ideas, and fundamental beliefs to online visitors.

As per the eCommerce Foundation, 88 percent of consumers in the United States conduct internet research before making purchases or attending a local store. If their webpage does not have a sophisticated unique look, online customers can immediately get irritated. This leads to a higher bounce rate as well as a poor and lower conversion rate.

This should not be the case for your company. Ensure that your target clients can easily locate and browse your website. To increase your brand’s growth and efficiency, invest in a responsive, well-designed, and informational website.

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What's Best for Business: Custom Fit Web Design or Website Templates?

Your website is a strong communication channel that allows you to sell your business 24/7, and interact with clients all over the world. However, not every website will provide you with the necessary return on investment (ROI). Choosing between a website template and a custom design website is the most important choice.

Website Templates

A website template is a pre-made web layout that enables developers to put content into a complex HTML or CSS structure. Colors, font styles, and images are among the aspects that can be modified. Apart from that, you receive exactly what you observe. While ready-made templates save time and money, they are limited in terms of flexibility and individuality.

Custom design website

A custom design webpage, on either hand, enables you to define and represent your brand via page elements that are specific to your goals. Custom web design is more expensive than website templates, but it comes with a myriad of advantages that give you a leg up on the competition. Custom website layouts are more search engine friendly, client-focused, innovative, and flexible than built-in templates.

Why Is Custom Website Design and Development the Perfect Choice for Your Business?

A custom website design can help your business stand out in this congested industry. Unwanted functionality and bloatware can be avoided with a custom eCommerce site design, which can speed up loading times. Furthermore, there is no theme that prevents you from modifying the appearance and functionality of a custom-designed website.

Custom website design costing is great value for your investment when you have a brand-building design, SEO-friendly structure and contents, as well as a robust site architecture. Still not persuaded that custom website design packages are the superior option for your company? Let’s have a glance at certain information:

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With a three-second delay in page load time, 40% of internet users abandon a website (Kissmetrics)
Website design is the most important aspect in determining a company's credibility, according to 48% of consumers.
A brand that creates a pleasant user experience has 90 percent of online shoppers' trust (UX) (Toptal)
The overall appearance and interactivity of a website account for 94% of first impressions (ResearchGate)

Looking to Increase the online capacity of your website and improve user experience?

Schedule a free exclusive consultation session with our custom web design firm today.

Custom Website Design Services

Experts in WordPress

Our WordPress website design professionals go above and beyond pre-made themes and plugins to develop an exquisite and one-of-a-kind site that reflects your distinctive branding.

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Website Analysis

We gather and analyze data from your website in order to produce a unique eCommerce website design that is results-driven and increases organic traffic

Designing Logo

With a personalized logo incorporated into your website, you can create a distinct brand identity. Based on your demands and criteria, our team generates three logo concepts.

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Video Creation

High-quality films keep your customers captivated regardless of your niche, product, or solution. With video content that delivers your message fast and effectively, you can attract and engage more page visitors to your custom design website.

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Content Writing

You can develop your thought management branding and retain more site visits with a custom-fit website design. Our content experts produce innovative, SEO-researched blog articles and web material that captivate the minds of your readers and prompt them to not just read, but share your content.

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eCommerce Website Designing

We use social validation, simplify navigation, upload high-resolution photos, write intriguing descriptions, and underline your unique selling features to ensure your end goal (massive sales) is reached on your eCommerce website (USPs).

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Hosting a website

Our web hosting services provide excellent stability and reliability, as well as increased SEO and online performance. We also provide dependable customer service, unlimited bandwidth, and storage.

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ADA Compliant Web Design

We produce websites that are accessible to people with various disabilities or impairments as a customer-centric custom web design firm. Our site design professionals verify that the contrast ratio is correct, that navigation is consistent, and that appropriate labels and feedback are provided for errors in form fields.

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CMS Integration

To handle your multilingual sites within your CMS, our custom web design firm uses plugins and complex language technology. We offer unique eCommerce web design using reusable patterns and components while keeping your content adaptable.

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Website Maintenance

You can rest assured that your site is being updated and maintained by a skilled custom web design team. We offer timely and trustworthy technical solutions to safeguard your website against cyber-attacks.

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Metricoid’s bespoke website design services can help you increase your leads and conversions. Our team consists of experts in bespoke web design and development that are dedicated to bringing high-quality traffic to your website.

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Responsive Web Design

We make sure your website operates on all screen dimensions and platforms to increase customer engagement. To increase sales, we use scalable vector graphics (SVGs), standardize clickable places and buttons, insert responsive images, and make the most of device features.

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The Ultimate Custom Website Development procedure

Metricoid has devised a complex web design process for creating winning websites that produce the best results. Here’s a rundown of the many stages to our bespoke site design and development.

no-1   Kick Off

Our project managers assess your target clients, marketing goals, requirements, and expectations during our initial meeting. We set your objectives, answer your questions, explain the many stages of your custom website design development, and provide preliminary custom web design prices during this stage. This gives us an initial assurance and sets us on the right track.

no-2  Strategy

The establishment of a strategy is the foundation for our next course of action. We examine all of the data from the kickoff, write a proposal, produce recommended site mock-ups, and contact your project manager for clearance during this step. The purpose is to design a thorough action plan for the stage of development.

no-3   Development

Site development, content optimization, and on-site SEO are all covered in this phase. We make sure that all aspects of your website, including your logo, color scheme, and dynamic site components, are consistent with your branding. We meet with you again after we’ve finished the front-end and back-end development for a final site evaluation and revision, if necessary.

No 4  Launch

Even after your website is migrated from a local server to a live server, we’ll still hang around to guide you by first giving you client education, where we instruct you on how to handle the back-end of your website. This is to ensure you have a thorough understanding of your site’s requirements. And so you can focus on your internal procedures while our custom website design firm provides ongoing site maintenance and SEO.

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