Category: Product Development

Developing a cloud-based SaaS application

Developing Cloud base saas application

Introduction SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is an additional marketing model that is displacing traditional software licensing. Why is software-as-a-service (SaaS) so popular among customers and tech firms? What is the process of creating SaaS software? Let’s get started building SaaS apps together! In the previous ten years, technology has advanced dramatically. The Software-as-a-Service distribution and pricing model

The perfect time to accelerate digitalization is NOW!

Introduction Companies have always recognized the necessity of being adaptable and flexible. When the Coronavirus ravaged the world, however, many individuals misjudged how adaptable they would have to be. Businesses rushed to implement virtual staffs, contactless distribution and service, and, in some cases, completely different business models. Many people worked to simplify operations and make

Product Discovery and its importance in Business

Ever wondered how product discovery and market validation approaches can boost your startup’s way to industrial glory? No?  Well, this article will take you through a detailed overview of product discovery procedures, and also how a tech partner company can be your best helping hand. Introduction Creating and developing a product is a difficult task.

How application of AI/ML is bringing about transformation in the Insurance sector

How application of AIML is bringing about transformation in the Insurance sector

Insurance companies these days have started adapting themselves to newer and emerging technological innovations. Conventional approaches are getting replaced by new and efficient automated processes that not only make things easier for the insurance companies but also make the lives of consumers much better and hassle free. Below are some of the key transformations that

Leveraging API integration towards digital transformation

Metricoid-Leveraging API integration towards digital transformation

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are very important parts of any digital architecture and IT strategy owing to their contribution in emerging IT trends that enable digital transformation. Primarily APIs are used in enabling connection and interaction between different platforms in a given interface although their underlying components might be different. Use of APIs have greatly Protection Status