Author: Metricoid Blogs

Developing a cloud-based SaaS application

Developing Cloud base saas application

Introduction SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is an additional marketing model that is displacing traditional software licensing. Why is software-as-a-service (SaaS) so popular among customers and tech firms? What is the process of creating SaaS software? Let’s get started building SaaS apps together! In the previous ten years, technology has advanced dramatically. The Software-as-a-Service distribution and pricing model

Finest approaches to secure your web application

Introduction Web application security is an important aspect of web application development that is sometimes disregarded. It’s very understandable. Web application security threats are frequently neglected or undervalued due to the complexity of code development, app maintenance, and visual design. Even yet, if you expect to make money from your app, web application security should

API integration and Development tools to build REST APIs

API Integration and development tools

Introduction Since most microservices projects employ APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), organizations are shifting to the Microservices Architecture paradigm to thrive in their software product initiatives. We live in an age where end-users who rely on programs for their needs expect quick outcomes or services. To deliver and receive information, many APIs use REST protocols via

Software product startup failures – How to avoid them?

software product startup failures-How to avoid

Introduction Many software product firms fail to make a profit on their investors’, founders’, and workers’ investments. Commercial, advertising, and delivery implementation errors are well-known, but product development mistakes are less visible. The important product development difficulties that can contribute to company failure are examined in this study. A three-phase approach for the progress of

The perfect time to accelerate digitalization is NOW!

Introduction Companies have always recognized the necessity of being adaptable and flexible. When the Coronavirus ravaged the world, however, many individuals misjudged how adaptable they would have to be. Businesses rushed to implement virtual staffs, contactless distribution and service, and, in some cases, completely different business models. Many people worked to simplify operations and make

Technology Partnerships – A Detailed Overview

Because software solutions have become more complicated, innovation teams require specialized technical knowledge. A frequent strategy for high-tech enterprises is to partner with a prominent software development company. This strategy has many advantages. Who is a Tech Partner? Big ideas necessitate big actions. You can’t do anything and everything yourself, no matter how brilliant your

How to Find and Hire the best software development company?

Introduction The right software developers may revolutionize your company. But how can you track down these game-changing developers? And how can you find the best among them to hire? Software development is required by both startups and businesses. The reasons for recruiting may vary for everyone. For example, in most startups, there are no software Protection Status