
Technology Partnerships – A Detailed Overview

Because software solutions have become more complicated, innovation teams require specialized technical knowledge. A frequent strategy for high-tech enterprises is to partner with a prominent software development company. This strategy has many advantages. Who is a Tech Partner? Big ideas necessitate big actions. You can’t do anything and everything yourself, no matter how brilliant your

How to Find and Hire the best software development company?

Introduction The right software developers may revolutionize your company. But how can you track down these game-changing developers? And how can you find the best among them to hire? Software development is required by both startups and businesses. The reasons for recruiting may vary for everyone. For example, in most startups, there are no software

Product Discovery and its importance in Business

Ever wondered how product discovery and market validation approaches can boost your startup’s way to industrial glory? No?  Well, this article will take you through a detailed overview of product discovery procedures, and also how a tech partner company can be your best helping hand. Introduction Creating and developing a product is a difficult task.

Prime factors favoring the startups to succeed

Metricod blog-Prime factors favoring startups to succeed

Introduction It takes time, talent, and sound business judgment to build a successful startup. Approximately one-quarter of venture-backed businesses will establish a long-term footing in their respective industries, with 50% of those making it past their fifth anniversary, according to industry experts. These figures do not imply that only 25% of all entrepreneurs have good

The need for hiring offshore software development companies for your startup

Metricoid-the need for hiring offshore software development companies for startup

What is meant by Offshore Development? Offshore development is the process of outsourcing development services such as product development, programming, implementation, testing, website operation and repair, and tech support to experienced IT specialists located in a remote location. Imagine you’re currently enrolled in a startup program. You’ve been working on your product idea for a

Why does every entrepreneur need a tech partner for their startup?

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Introduction Ever wondered what is keeping your startup a step behind and not really up to the pace of modern software demands? You guessed it – the technical complications and drawbacks of your company’s product/service are the main reasons (setbacks, to be specific). Despite the fact that there are over 400 new businesses throughout the

How application of AI/ML is bringing about transformation in the Insurance sector

How application of AIML is bringing about transformation in the Insurance sector

Insurance companies these days have started adapting themselves to newer and emerging technological innovations. Conventional approaches are getting replaced by new and efficient automated processes that not only make things easier for the insurance companies but also make the lives of consumers much better and hassle free. Below are some of the key transformations that Protection Status