Metricoid Fitness App Banner Image

Industry: Health & Fitness

Services: AI & ML, Web & Mobile development, Product Engineering

Year: 2020

One Of Top Health & Fitness Industry

In the field of health and fitness, the Client offers user-friendly and personalized apps. Over 75 million people use the custom-created apps across platforms to improve their nutrition, sleep, physical exercise, and mental well-being.


The client strongly believed that personalized content is the game changer in health and fitness applications. Using the data from the customers and running the data through several models already in place can significantly generate personalized recommendations and solutions to cater to health and fitness requirements of the user.

Building a Proof of Concept and Challenges

The existing system needed a revamp so that the users can be provided with additional guidance on their personal health and lifestyle apart from the general guidance that is available almost everywhere.
The process of data acquisition and analysis done, formerly, was very conventional and it was a challenge for our team to provide an end to end business intelligence (BI) solution.
The revamped AI-based health and wellness app was expected to support handling large amounts of user data collected from user activities and stored in the database of the client. This also required the need of cloud integration to make the data available on the go.
Creating a predictive model that would generate recommendations on health and wellness based on individual user data sets was a big challenge and it required several hours of input from our scientists.

Start a Project with Metricoid


The existing database design and data quality was inefficient for analytics. Metricoid team conducted relocation of entire data from the client’s database to inhouse storage and revamped the database structure of the client accordingly. Our next step was to work on data visualization by mapping out the tables of data. As a raw data storage, there was a Couchbase cluster. For a reliable data transfer to BI data warehouse (DWH) we added Kafka , i.e. PostgreSQL, using Spark procedures. To provide interactive dashboards, we used Apache Superset on top of BI DWH.
As per requirements of the client, a solution was needed wherein the data analysts and marketing managers the option to select from different filter parameters such as:

Payment method preferred

Other interactive filters like time spent and goals set.

Weight Gain/Loss

Type of platform used to run the app





Fitness App Solution
Predictive Fitness App _solution

To enable a higher personalization level, several dashboards were included.

To allow the existing app to deliver personalized recommendations, a major challenge was to create a recommender system using Machine learning and predictive model. The ML based model was trained based on the data that users share through their profiles. A user enters basic personal data after downloading and installing the app, and the algorithm chooses a best-suited model and assigns a plan from the data provided.

Also written in Python is a tree-based recommender system and associative rules mining using the Apriori algorithm. Automatically generated recommendations vary based on a user’s fitness level. If a user’s personal data indicates that they are unable to cope with the present set of activities, the system can advise repeat workouts at the current level, or higher-level workouts.

The client provided all the data for training. One major source of data gathering was from GPS provided it is allowed by a user and other data were based on the user activity and inputs.

Project Result

Positive Validations

The Metricoid team has enhanced the existing mobile fitness apps of the Client with predictive analytics capabilities.

The Client benefited from cooperating with Metricoid in the following aspects
More personalized customer experience compared to the initial capacity of the app Better data processing and storage
Predictive analytics capabilities
When compared to the app’s initial capacity, the client experience is more tailored.

Technologies Used

logo of python
auth 2 logo
postgreSQL Logo

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