Industry: Documents and Records Management

Services: Web development, SaaS, Document Management System, REST API

Year: 2022

Document Management

The task at hand was to develop a reliable, secure and scalable web application to store and maintain records and documents. It needed to be extensive, precise and detailed so that the process of handling documents like, ordering documents, picking up documents, as well as performing various other administrative tasks, could be done without any hassle or chaos. A systematic order was rather imperative


The client offers safe and secure document management services in tune with the safety standards, using the latest technology. With high quality standards and safety protocols, their company is highest ranked- European wide in its fields. A unique platform for large companies still in charge of physical paperwork and hard copies to store documents and records efficiently, ensure data privacy and have 24/7 access without any hassle and that too in a systemised manner. They offer these management services to a wide range of industries and hence offer industry specific services.

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The Challenge

The most important task for a company in this field is to ensure privacy. Hence, data breach reporting services were imperative and putting it in place was challenging as, with heaps of documentation, personal details are always at a risk of being compromised.

The second task was to establish backup. Recovery systems and data backup is a necessity. We put together an off-site media backup option that overall builds the credibility of the company.

The third and most important task was establishing scanning and imaging systems that could seamlessly convert physical documents, aperture cards, microfilm and microfiche into electronic files. This would make the process of retrieving and searching easier.

Creating an organised system that would make the process of picking up and delivering documents, developing containers and barcodes as well as filing inventory efficient.

The Solution

The idea was now clear, the challenges in front of us. The emphasis was clearly on reliability and efficiency. We now started with the layout so that all the mentioned complications were handled. Let’s go through the steps briefly:

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The first page that is displayed is the dashboard. This gives a general overview of all the activities undertaken such as orders delivered, orders pending or the recorded items- admin side. From the depositor’s end the information about their documents and records is also provided systematically. Apart from all the basic functions, there were options for accessing the barcodes and containers, track user activity, check pickups, manage settings and so on. The option of logging out is always there to maintain privacy.

To establish privacy and security, recognising information and planning its organisation was important. For this special access portals were developed which maintained an overall data confidentiality. Along with this, biometric security solutions were also established, taking safety to a new level.

A computerised technology system allowed comprehensive systemisation, efficient access and secure storage of files and records. Functions such as scanning, data conversion and cataloguing, retrieval and indexing add effectiveness to everyday tasks.

Storage at this stage was sorted. One task that still needed attention was destruction of files and records. Our team developed the auditing services. It analyses and classifies inventory and determines the files to be destroyed precisely.

Here’s a look at the solution’s architecture

The Outcome

With cutting edge digital solutions and high end technology, Metricoid’s team helped our clients develop a seamless platform increasing their presence, security and efficiency. The web application is intuitive, responsive and user friendly. Till date the client has observed significant advantages from a platform where all details are mentioned and is optimised as well as robust. It has automated the whole process of storing documents and records

Key Highlights:

Barcode based, container-level inventory tracking.

High security systems with restricted access.

Trained transportation specialists with safe vehicles for pickup and delivery.

Secure document destruction.

Technologies Used

My sql
React js Logo
Laravel Logo

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